Denis Pouppeville

Born in 1947 in Le Havre. Studies in the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts, in Paris and then worked as a press illustrator (Le Fou parle, L’Express, Le Monde, Le Magazine Littéraire). Has also taught at the Faculty of Arts of Amiens and at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs in Paris.

Since 1980, he had numerous exhibitions in France (Galerie Béatrice Soulié, Paris, Auberive Abbey etc.) and abroad (Brussels Art Exhibition, Lausanne, Geneva, Tokyo etc.) Several retrospectives were devoted to him as: 2011, Fort Condé. He met Galerie Art Aujourd'hui in 2015 and participates to the exhibition "The Angel of the Odd" (jan.feb.2016) and  he, since, have works permanently at the gallery.

 Denis Pouppeville also illustrated numerous literary texts: Jules Renard, Jean Paulhan, Louis Calaferte, Gilbert Lascault, Alfred Jarry, Lionel Bourg, Leon Bloy, (editions Fata Morgana).


  Ambivalence again and again in Denis POUPPEVILLE’ works, mingling unusual and grotesque characters, half-man half-beast, in a truculent masquerade. Denis Poupeville is in line with the tradition of Flemish expressionists, James Ensor, Permeke... His drawings combines inks, watercolour, gouache at the discretion of pen or brush. Daumier is not far: humour and sarcasm lead the ball in an exhilarating jubilant atmosphere.

Some of the Pouppeville's works permanently at the gallery