By himself:

I sometimes sketch figures. Anonymous plants, approximate  utensils, improbable architectures. And I do imediately want at once to disfigure them, deform them, abolish them and crush them. To avoid image. Because image encloses, limits imagination, falls down in the anecdote, and becomes literature. To allow vagrancy of the gaze, I have to warp the line, mislead the color, blur the forms so that the shadow of a doubt arises about what one thought to see and let desire coming out from this gap ... (Christian Perrier, transl. from french: PhR)

Born in 1950, Christian Perrier lives and works in Bourges (Cher, France).

Studies, then teacher of classical french literature, paints since 1974 (Interruption from 1998 until August 2008).
Personal and collective exhibitions, mainly in the Central Region of France and abroad (Netherlands)

 Christian Perrier will exhibit his recent paintings (images underneath), for the first time at  galerie ART aujourd'hui in November-December 2017.





