Jean-Patrice Oulmont
Jean-Patrice Oulmont's sculptures and their delicate simplicity resonate with the sobriety of "Black and White". The wood raw material is smooth or rough and, still it has kept the silent vitality of the tree from which it sprang. This vegetal brother, by slow maturation and after its sublimation by the gaze of the artist, becomes a sculpture. "The sculpture does not exist until it is not brought to completion. This result can be expressed as a relationship between the strength of the work's inner architecture and the lightness of the sensation expressed with a high sensitivity " wrote J. P Oulmont. We find the back here, as between the black and white, the same tension between outside and inside, the full and the empty. The spirit enters into deep communion with the matter.
marianne Rillon from the text of the exhibition "Between Black and White" (march-april 2016).
Main exhibitions: International Art Fairs and Salons in France: Art-Metz, Réalités Nouvelles, Paris, European Meetings of sculpture in Montauban, Queille festival in Mirepoix.
Abroad : Linéart in Ghent, Belgium, Hannah Peschar GB, Affordable Art Fair London, Royal College of Art London, Brussels Sculpturalasne, Out of Nature GB, Abstractions Abstraction,Toulouse.
Realization of a monumental sculpture (command) in Seoul.
Solo exhibitions: Galerie Protée, Paris, Paris Galerie Flichy, Bogena Gallery Saint-Paul de Vence, La Tannerie Houdan, Dondolando Arte Parma, Galerie L'Hirondelle Carla-Bayle …
Some recent sculptures:
Upcoming exhibition will take place from nov.7 till dec 22, 2018.