Istvan PETO

Istvan Peto cultivates painting like a garden. Shapes of botanical appearance invade fallow plots. Istvan Peto's painting is never where you expect it to be. The delicacy and subtlety of nuanced yellows are sometimes rooted in greys, while elsewhere the flaming cry of an orange-red saturates the eye. The plots are added one to another, and juxtaposed. The sensation of the fragmentary is required, simulating the apparent discontinuity of plant growth. Yet the composition intuitively organized, meets the principle of necessity. With the demanding practice of engraving and the scholar mix of its techniques, he cultivates this discipline as a gardener, slaved to the discontinuous time of seasons. Istvan PETO masters the invasive fertility of its indoor garden, sometimes gently, by a delicate plot, almost slender of an evanescent flower, sometimes with the violence of a black graffity, thick and bushy . Between disparates and paradoxes, each work gains its internal coherence and invites us in a stroll where our eyes, still amazed, will preserve the freshness of the first emotion.

Read more: Istvan PETO

Denis Pouppeville

Born in 1947 in Le Havre. Studies in the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts, in Paris and then worked as a press illustrator (Le Fou parle, L’Express, Le Monde, Le Magazine Littéraire). Has also taught at the Faculty of Arts of Amiens and at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs in Paris.

Since 1980, he had numerous exhibitions in France (Galerie Béatrice Soulié, Paris, Auberive Abbey etc.) and abroad (Brussels Art Exhibition, Lausanne, Geneva, Tokyo etc.) Several retrospectives were devoted to him as: 2011, Fort Condé. He met Galerie Art Aujourd'hui in 2015 and participates to the exhibition "The Angel of the Odd" (jan.feb.2016) and  he, since, have works permanently at the gallery.

 Denis Pouppeville also illustrated numerous literary texts: Jules Renard, Jean Paulhan, Louis Calaferte, Gilbert Lascault, Alfred Jarry, Lionel Bourg, Leon Bloy, (editions Fata Morgana).

Read more: Denis Pouppeville

Françoise BERTSCH

Françoise Bertsch lives and works in Paris and in Burgundy.

Graduate of the Ecole Nationale des Beaux- Arts, she studied in Bourges , Toulouse and Paris.

Teaching experience in Lille and Paris. Interventions in a cultural Centre in Paris during six years.

Read more: Françoise BERTSCH

Victor SOREN

Childhood presence with Victor SOREN, but darkly drawn with charcoal and black chalk. His drawings relived as his unfulfilled childhood’s obsession, dreams and nightmares. «The green paradise of childhood loves» is irremediably invaded with a silent pain, as an echoing the blackness of the great Austrian artist Alfred Kubin (1877-1959).


Read more: Victor SOREN 

Gottfried SALZMANN

Gottfried Salzmann's practice has always been in a constant dialogue with the motive in a contemporary way which creates endless visual possibilities.

According to the chief curator of the Albertina Museum in Vienna, K. Albrecht Schröder: "The Salzmann's collection of watecolors, property of the museum, figures among of its most precious treasures."


Read more: Gottfried SALZMANN